Thursday, June 10, 2010

There is a God

The argument is over…there is a God whose name is Jehovah. He is the God who created the heavens and the earth, and chose Israel as His own. From Israel came the savior of the world, Jesus Christ.

How, you ask, can I say that with such certainty? I have been listening to the reports of recent conflicts between Israel and the Palestinians. Following that the unabashedly anti-Semitic comments from Helen Thomas. (By the way, why has she kept a lid on her true feelings for so long? Could it be that anti-Semitism is gaining favor in Washington and she didn’t fear reprisals?) That any reasonable person could take the side of the “peace activists” who brutally beat the Israelis who boarded the ship is beyond me. When the UN Council on Human Rights ignores gross violations of human rights by followers of Mohammed and routinely cites Israel with human rights violations it seems that the world is upside down. When Israel is blamed for stopping the peace process in the Middle East I ask “what peace process”? Peace in the Middle East has been fought out for my whole life, and I am not that young any more. Consider this, if Palestinians would stop throwing bombs there would be peace in the Middle East. The promises of peace for land have not been kept.

In my naive little world I don’t understand anti-Semitism. Why do people hate the Jews so much? I personally don’t know a Jewish person that I can think of. The only reason that I have heard why people don’t like Jews because they are bankers. Whaaaat? Are bankers evil? Are gentile bankers hated? If you hate a whole race because some are bankers, you must hate all races to be fair. If you don’t like bankers you don’t have to have much contact with them. I know a few bankers, and they are not evil. I wonder if most anti-Semitic people could give a good reason to hate Jews. I met an anti-Semite once. He was an 80-year-old Czechoslovakian man in 1984 and he blamed WWII on the Jews. Funny, I always pictured them as the victims of WWII.

Anti-Semites can’t give a logical reason for hating Jews. That’s when I realized that anti-Semitism is a spiritual thing. It must be true that Israel is God’s chosen people and is opposed by the enemy of God who is Satan. People hate Israel because Satan hates Israel. The enemy of our souls uses people to display his wrath on the Jewish people. Somehow this realization gives me peace. Not peace that the treatment of Israel and Jewish people today is okay; just peace that now the world makes sense again. Now I understand why we are instructed in the Bible to pray for the peace of Israel “…for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty for the tearing down of strongholds…” If Israel ever needed prayers for peace it is now.

2 Corinthians 10:4

1 comment:

  1. I try to pay some attention to incidents of anti-semitism for when I teach the Holocaust to my students. Sometimes it is hard to distinguish between the history books and the newspapers.. I believe that in the not-too-distant future, Christians will again have the honor and privilege of standing with Israel and the Jews against (yet another) demonic onslaught. May God have mercy.
